Sunday, April 11, 2010

Throwers (week of 4.12.10)

Mon: disc progression (line drill 50m spinning on the track), 6 x open chest, 12 x snaps, 6 x south africans, 10 throws); shot progression (line drill 50m, 12 x shot punches, 12 x switches, full ring 12 light shot/6 heavy shot/ 12 light shot)

Tue: xfit, cone throws

Wed: disc warm-up (3 x open chest, 6 x snaps, 3 x south africans, 3 full), disc meet simulation (3 throws measured); shot warm-up (3 x shot punches, 3 x switches, 3 x full ring), shot simulation (3 throws measured)

Thur: Track meet. bus leaves at 10:58

Fri: off

Hurdles (week of 4.12.10)

HH - hurdle drill progression (25 lead leg, 25 trail leg, hurdle walkovers, quick step trail leg drills); 3x1 hurdle, 6x2 hurdles, 3x3 hurdles
300h - hurdle drill progression; 2x1 hurdle, 3x2 hurdles, 2x3 hurdles

Tue: none

Wed: hurdle drill progression; HH drills

Thur: Track meet. bus leaves at 10:58

Fri: off

Jumpers (week of 4.12.10)

Mon: TJ, HJ, PV

Tue: PV

Wed: LJ, HJ, PV

Thur: Track meet. bus leaves at 10:58

Fri: off

Sprinters (week of 4.12.10)

Mon: 6x(100m in-and-outs) [3 for jumpers]; hurdle walkovers; abs

Tue: 3x400 decreasing split, full recovery (last 400 should be at race pace); cross fit.

Wed: hand-offs (5x for each relay exchange); 2 straights, 2 curves.

Thurs: track meet. bus leaves at 10:58

Fri: campus loop cool down and stretch

Distance (week of 4.12.10)

Mon: 2x(hot/cold 100s for 800m) cold 100s at 80-90% 3200 pace, hot 100s at 80-90% max, last 100 at full sprint; abs

Tue: 3-4x600 at target race pace; strength circuit

Wed: 4-6 miles; abs

Thurs: Track meet. Bus leaves at 10:58.

Fri: Recovery run.