Sunday, April 11, 2010

Throwers (week of 4.12.10)

Mon: disc progression (line drill 50m spinning on the track), 6 x open chest, 12 x snaps, 6 x south africans, 10 throws); shot progression (line drill 50m, 12 x shot punches, 12 x switches, full ring 12 light shot/6 heavy shot/ 12 light shot)

Tue: xfit, cone throws

Wed: disc warm-up (3 x open chest, 6 x snaps, 3 x south africans, 3 full), disc meet simulation (3 throws measured); shot warm-up (3 x shot punches, 3 x switches, 3 x full ring), shot simulation (3 throws measured)

Thur: Track meet. bus leaves at 10:58

Fri: off

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