Sunday, April 11, 2010

Throwers (week of 4.12.10)

Mon: disc progression (line drill 50m spinning on the track), 6 x open chest, 12 x snaps, 6 x south africans, 10 throws); shot progression (line drill 50m, 12 x shot punches, 12 x switches, full ring 12 light shot/6 heavy shot/ 12 light shot)

Tue: xfit, cone throws

Wed: disc warm-up (3 x open chest, 6 x snaps, 3 x south africans, 3 full), disc meet simulation (3 throws measured); shot warm-up (3 x shot punches, 3 x switches, 3 x full ring), shot simulation (3 throws measured)

Thur: Track meet. bus leaves at 10:58

Fri: off

Hurdles (week of 4.12.10)

HH - hurdle drill progression (25 lead leg, 25 trail leg, hurdle walkovers, quick step trail leg drills); 3x1 hurdle, 6x2 hurdles, 3x3 hurdles
300h - hurdle drill progression; 2x1 hurdle, 3x2 hurdles, 2x3 hurdles

Tue: none

Wed: hurdle drill progression; HH drills

Thur: Track meet. bus leaves at 10:58

Fri: off

Jumpers (week of 4.12.10)

Mon: TJ, HJ, PV

Tue: PV

Wed: LJ, HJ, PV

Thur: Track meet. bus leaves at 10:58

Fri: off

Sprinters (week of 4.12.10)

Mon: 6x(100m in-and-outs) [3 for jumpers]; hurdle walkovers; abs

Tue: 3x400 decreasing split, full recovery (last 400 should be at race pace); cross fit.

Wed: hand-offs (5x for each relay exchange); 2 straights, 2 curves.

Thurs: track meet. bus leaves at 10:58

Fri: campus loop cool down and stretch

Distance (week of 4.12.10)

Mon: 2x(hot/cold 100s for 800m) cold 100s at 80-90% 3200 pace, hot 100s at 80-90% max, last 100 at full sprint; abs

Tue: 3-4x600 at target race pace; strength circuit

Wed: 4-6 miles; abs

Thurs: Track meet. Bus leaves at 10:58.

Fri: Recovery run.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Break Workouts

We will hold practice at the SA track Wed-Sat, March 17 - 20, at the following times:

1:00 for Throwers and distance

2:00 for LJ, HJ, sprinters, and hurdlers

2:30 for TJ and pole vault

The following is a 5 day workouts plan for those going out of town that can be spaced out over any of the next 10 days. All of the workouts should take you no more than 20 to 30 minutes.

*On off-days, you can jog, stretch, and do abs.

**Distance, try to get 2-6 miles ontop of the following plan everyday (with 1-3 off-days, depending on how you feel) to keep your mileage up.

You will only get out of this what you put into it. PUSH YOURSELF.


3-5 min warm-up jog

standard static stretches

dynamic stretches and running drills

3x (maximum effort for 60 seconds, 120 second jog run, maximum effort for 120 seconds, 180 seconds job run); 5 min cool down jog; deep stretching


3-5 min warm-up jog

standard dynamic stretches

dynamic stretches and running drills

Circuit (do each in 30 seconds increments with no more than 5 seconds rest between)

1.) Right Leg Hop (for speed and distance)

2.) 20 Push-ups

3.) Left Leg Hop (for speed and distance)

4.) Crunches

5.) Tuck Jumps

6.) 15 Diamond Push-ups

7.) Two-Foot Forward Hop

8.) Opposite Knee Crunches

9.) Ankle Hops (balls of feet jumps)

10.) 15 Wide Arm Push-ups

11.) Right Leg Squat

12.) Bicycles

13.) Left Leg Squat

14.) Plank

15.) Squat Jump

16.) Reverse Plank

17.) Side to side hops

18.) Right Side Plank

19.) Backwards Run

20.) Left Side Plank

21.) Superman

5 minute jog

deep stretching


3-5 min warm-up jog

standard static stretches

dynamic stretches and running drills

6x (stride hard for 3 minutes with 1 minute jog run recovery); 5 min cool down jog; deep stretching


3-5 min warm-up jog

standard static stretches

dynamic stretches and running drills

Circuit (do each in 30 seconds increments with no more than 5 seconds rest between)

1.) Right Leg Hop (for speed and distance)

2.) 20 Push-ups

3.) Left Leg Hop (for speed and distance)

4.) Crunches

5.) Tuck Jumps

6.) 15 Diamond Push-ups

7.) Two-Foot Forward Hop

8.) Opposite Knee Crunches

9.) Ankle Hops (balls of feet jumps)

10.) 15 Wide Arm Push-ups

11.) Right Leg Squat

12.) Bicycles

13.) Left Leg Squat

14.) Plank

15.) Squat Jump

16.) Reverse Plank

17.) Side to side hops

18.) Right Side Plank

19.) Backwards Run

20.) Left Side Plank

21.) Superman

5 minute jog

deep stretching


3-5 min warm-up jog

standard static stretches

dynamic stretches and running drills

8x (run 100 meters, jog 100 meters recovery, with a 2 minute water break after number 4); 5 minute cool down jog; deep stretching

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Middle School (week of 3.8.10)

Group 1,2,3, &5 - (400 meter dash 101) 3x50, 3x150, 2x300, 1x400
Group 4 - disc, shot

[high jumpers can go w/ Coach Evans in place of strength circuit]
Group 1,2 &5 - sprint drills, plyometrics, strength circuit
Group 3 &4 - sprint drills, plyometrics, cone throws

[pole vaulters vault today in place of xfit]
All Groups - xfit

Thur - Saints Invitational [come watch/help]

Fri - Happy Spring Break* (we will hold practice Wed - Sat, March 17 - 20 over the break)