Sunday, February 28, 2010

Middle School (week of 3.1.10)

All - drills in gym

[to begin practice PV with Cameron & Royce, HJ with Coach Evans, LJ with Coach Jackson, everyone else with Coach Chadwick. Hurdlers with Coach Evans when he calls for you.]
Group 1 - jumping; 3(2x200)
Group 2 - 100,100,200 relay
Group 3 - jumping, discus
Group 4 - shot put, discus
Group 5 - 100,100,200 relay

All Groups - xfit

[hurdlers finish practice with drills]
Group 1 - handoffs, LJ or HJ, assign events
Group 2 - campus loop; 1x400 at 800 pace; assign events
Group 3 - handoffs; LJ, HJ, or discus; assign events
Group 4 - disc: 10 x disc bowling, 10 x disc toss, 10 x open chest throw, 10 x snaps; shot: 10 x shot punches, 10 x power throw; assign events
Group 5 - TBA; assign events

Track Meet

Throwers (week of 3.1.10)

If also a sprinter, substitute either shot or disc with the day's running workout.

Mon - drills in gym; indoor shot

Tue - xfit, disc progression

Wed - Practice Meet; shot and disc will be contested.

Thur - xfit [handoffs for sprinters instead], shot progression

Fri - thrower warm-up, help with Middle School meet.

Sat - Southern Miss Invitational

Distance (week of 3.1.10)

Mon - TBA

Tue - 6 - 10 miles

Wed - Practice Meet. 1600 will be contested. +6 miles

Thur - 3 miles, 16x200 [mile pace]

Fri - help with meet. +3 - 6 miles

Sat - Southern Miss Invitational

Mid-Distance (week of 3.1.10)

Mon - TBA

Tue - 6 - 10 miles

Wed - Practice Meet. 800 to be contested. +6 miles

Thur - 3 miles, 12 x 200 [800 pace]

Fri - help out with Middle School meet, +3 - 6 miles.

Sat - Southern Miss Invitational

Sprinters (week of 3.1.10)

Mon - drills in gym

Tue - 10xstarts [for non jumpers], 2(3x200) at [26-30 sec guys, 29-35 girls]; help set up for practice meet

Wed - Practice Meet. 100, 200, 400 will be contested. Campus loop cool down.

Thur - handoffs; 600 [1:22-1:45 guys, 1:37-2:00 girls], 400 [55-70 guys, 65-80 girls], 300 [41-52 guys, 48-60 girls], 200 [27-35 guys, 32-40 girls]; xfit

Fri - warm-up; 2 turns, 2 straights; help with Middle School Practice Meet

Sat - Southern Miss Invitational

Hurldes (week of 3.1.10)

Mon - drills inside

Tue - [in place of running workout] hurdle warm up, drills, 6x1 hurdle, 6x2 hurdle, 6x3 hurdle

Wed - Practice Meet. HH and 300H will be contested.

Thurs - [in place of running workout] hurdle warm up, drills, 5x150, 3x300, 1x350.

Fri - hurdle warm-up, help with Middle School Meet

Sat - Southern Miss Invitational

Jumpers (week of 3.1.10)

Mon - drills in gym

Tue - [prior to running workout] LJ/TJ: 5 pop-ups, 5 run-throughs, 5 jumps. HJ: circle drills, 10 run-throughs, 6 jumps. PV: plant drills, 5 run-throughs, 5-10 drive-throughs, 3-6 vaults.

Wed - Practice Meet. LJ and HJ will be contested.

Thur - [prior to running workout] LJ: 5 run throughs, 3 jumps. TJ: 5 run throughs, 3 jumps. HJ: 10 run-throughs, 6 jumps. PV: 5 rock backs, 3-6 rock back & turn, 5-10 over bungee, 3-6 vaults

Fri - Warm-up. Help run off Middle School Meet.

Sat - Southern Miss Invitational

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Middle School (week of 2.22.10)

hurdlers with Coach Evans to begin practice
Group 1 - 5x40, 4x50, 3x60; 2 straights, 2 curves; strength circuit.
Group 2 - 3x(100, 200, 300); strength circuit
Group 3/4 - [see Coach Evans] 10 x disc bowling, 10 x disc toss, 10 x open chest throw, 10 x snaps; 3x40, 2x30, 1x60; strength circuit
Group 5 - 5x40, 4x50, 3 x 60; strength circuit

Jumpers with Coach Jackson to begin practice
Group 1 - long jump; 3x(250, 150)
Group 2 - campus loop; 6x200
Group 3 - long jump; shot put [with Coach Evans]; 1x(250, 150)
Group 4 - 25, 50, 75, 100; [see coach Evans] 10 x shot punches, 10 x step-up throws, 10 x switches
Group 5 - long jump; 3x(250, 150)

All Groups - xfit

Jumpers with Mr. Evans to begin practice; hurdlers with Mr. Evans after running workout
Group 1 - high jump; 4 turns, 4 straights; strength circuit
Group 2 - campus loop; 200, 300, 400, 300, 200, 100; strength circuit
Group 3 - high jump; 10 x disc bowling, 10 x disc toss, 10 x open chest throw, 10 x snaps; strength circuit
Group 4 - 4 turns, 4 straights; 10 x disc bowling, 10 x disc toss, 10 x open chest throw, 10 x snaps; strength circuit
Group 5 - campus loop; 6 turns, 6 straights; strength circuit

Day off except for those being looked at for Varsity (TBA on Thur)

Optional for all groups

Throwers (week of 2.22.10)

If also a sprinter, substitute either shot or disc with the day's running workout.

Mon - disc progression (line drill 50m, 6 x open chest, 12 x snaps, 6 x south africans, 10 throws), shot progression (line drill 100m, 12 x shot punches, 12 x switches, full ring 12 light shot/6 heavy shot/ 12 light shot)

Tue - xfit, disc progression

Wed - shot progression , disc progression

Thur - xfit, shot progression

Fri - disc progression, shot progression

Sat - disc warm-up (3 x open chest, 6 x snaps, 3 x south africans, 3 full), disc meet simulation (3 throws measured), shot warm-up (3 x shot punches, 3 x switches, 3 x full ring), shot simulation (3 throws measured)

Distance (week of 2.22.10)

strength circuits TBA

Mon - 12x400 [mile pace] +3/6 miles

Tue - 3 miles, 16x200 [mile pace]

Wed - 6 miles, 600

Thur - 400, 800, 1000, 1600, 600, 400, 200 [jog half the distance you ran, varied pace]

Fri - 6 - 10 mile long run

Sat - 6 miles, TBA

Mid-Distance (week of 2.22.10)

Mon - 6/8x(100, 200, 300) +3/6 miles

Tue - 3 miles, 12 x 200 [800 pace]

Wed - 12x60 uphill; hurdle walkovers; abs

Thur - Sat see sprinter or distance workouts

Sprinters (week of 2.22.10)

Mon - 10xstarts [for non jumpers]; 5x40, 4x50, 3x60; hurdle walkovers; abs

Tue - 4(250, 150) [jumpers do 3]; xfit

Wed - 3(3x60) uphill; hurdle walkovers; abs

Thur - 10xstarts [for non jumpers]; 6 turns, 6 straights [2 for jumpers]; xfit

Fri - handoffs; 100, 200, 300, 450, 250, 150, 50; hurdle walkovers; abs

Sat - campus loop; plyomerics

Jumpers/Hurdlers (week of 2.22.10)

All Jumpers and Hurdlers should complete jump workout prior to their running workouts.

Mon - LJ/TJ/PV: 10 appraoches. HH: hurdle warm-up

Tue - HJ: circle drill, 10 appraoches. PV: warm-up

Wed - none

Thur - LJ: 3 approaches, 5 pop-ups, 8 jumps. TJ: 3x20m bounding, 3 approaches, 5 jumps. PV: 10 rock backs, 6 rock back & turn, 6 over bungee. HH: warm up, drills, 8x1 hurdle, 5x3 hurdle, 3x5 hurdle (hurdlers miss xfit today)

Fri - HJ

Sat - all jumps/ hurdles after runners workout

Monday, February 15, 2010

SA Olympic Week

The purpose behind SA Olympic Week is to test the physical abilities of each athletes through a series of fun "events." These events will give us an idea of your strength, speed, endurance, agility, and explosive power. For the fun of it, points will be added up for each event based on your performance, and we'll have a competition out of it. You will compete in two events per day and a short workout. The schedule is as follows:

Tue - 40yd dash; 400m; +3 mile
Wed - shot toss; obstacle course; +3 miles
Thurs - standing long jump; triple frog hop; +3 mile tempo run
Fri - awards ceremony; 6 miles; 600m
Sat - long run

Tue - standing long jump; triple frog hop; 2 turns, 2 straights; xfit
Wed - obstacle course; shot toss; 2x(2x200); ab circuit
Thurs - 40yd dash; 400m; xfit
Fri - award ceremony; 500,400,300,200,100
Sat - 20 min jog

Tue - xfit; standing long jump, triple frog hop (discus warm-up, time permitting)
Wed - 40yd dash; 400m; discus progression
Thurs - xfit; shot toss, obstacle course; break-down obstacle course
Fri - award ceremony; discus throw day

Middle School
Tue - shot toss; 40 yd dash; 2 turns, 2 straights; fitness circuit
Wed - standing long jump; triple frog hop; 2x(250,150); ab circuit
Thurs - obstacle course; 400m; campus loop; fitness circuit
Fri - award ceremony; grouping TBA

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sprinters (week of 2.8.10)

Mon - 5x40 4x50 3x60; hurdle walkovers; ab circuit
Tue - 200 time trial; 2x(250,150); xfit
Wed - 10 x 150 downhill
Thur - 500,400,300,200,100; hurdle walkovers; xfit
Weekend - 20 min jog

Mid-Distance (week of 2.8.10)

Mon - 3x(100,200,300); hurdle walkovers; ab circut + 1.5 miles
Tue - 400 time trial; 2x(300,100); xfit
Wed - 15 x 150 downhill
Thur - 600,400,300,200; hurdle walkovers; xfit
Weekend - 3 mile recovery run

Distance (week of 2.8.10)

Mon - 1600 time trial; 6x(100,200,300) + 3 miles
Tue - 12x200; ab circuit
Wed - 6 mile + 600 for time
Thurs - 400,800,1000,1600,600,400,200
Weekend - 6 mile recovery run