Sunday, February 21, 2010

Middle School (week of 2.22.10)

hurdlers with Coach Evans to begin practice
Group 1 - 5x40, 4x50, 3x60; 2 straights, 2 curves; strength circuit.
Group 2 - 3x(100, 200, 300); strength circuit
Group 3/4 - [see Coach Evans] 10 x disc bowling, 10 x disc toss, 10 x open chest throw, 10 x snaps; 3x40, 2x30, 1x60; strength circuit
Group 5 - 5x40, 4x50, 3 x 60; strength circuit

Jumpers with Coach Jackson to begin practice
Group 1 - long jump; 3x(250, 150)
Group 2 - campus loop; 6x200
Group 3 - long jump; shot put [with Coach Evans]; 1x(250, 150)
Group 4 - 25, 50, 75, 100; [see coach Evans] 10 x shot punches, 10 x step-up throws, 10 x switches
Group 5 - long jump; 3x(250, 150)

All Groups - xfit

Jumpers with Mr. Evans to begin practice; hurdlers with Mr. Evans after running workout
Group 1 - high jump; 4 turns, 4 straights; strength circuit
Group 2 - campus loop; 200, 300, 400, 300, 200, 100; strength circuit
Group 3 - high jump; 10 x disc bowling, 10 x disc toss, 10 x open chest throw, 10 x snaps; strength circuit
Group 4 - 4 turns, 4 straights; 10 x disc bowling, 10 x disc toss, 10 x open chest throw, 10 x snaps; strength circuit
Group 5 - campus loop; 6 turns, 6 straights; strength circuit

Day off except for those being looked at for Varsity (TBA on Thur)

Optional for all groups

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